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2019/6/28 16:16:04发布118次查看
(图 via nypost.com)
吓人又不负责:医务人员警告diy美容注射剂导致损伤 (图 rt.com)
wannabe beauticians need no longer rely on the black market, as botox kits, fillers, chemical peels and other ingredients for facials have made their way onto legitimate retail platforms. 想要成为美容师的人不再需要依赖黑市,因为肉毒杆菌、填充剂、化学换肤和其他面部美容原料已经进入了合法的零售平台。for example, there’s a ‘treatment’ with hyaluronic acid and temporary dermal fillers for sale on amazon for just $142, while alibaba offers a similar kit for the bargain price of $38. 例如,亚马逊上有一种包含透明质酸和临时皮肤填充物的美容原料套餐,售价仅为142美元,而阿里巴巴也提供了类似的美容原料套餐,售价仅为38美元。both come complete with syringes and are clearly intended to be used at home, rt america’s trinity chavez reports.据《今日俄罗斯》驻美国记者崔妮蒂·查韦斯报道,这两款产品都配有注射器,显然是为了方便消费者在家使用。▲frightening and irresponsible: medics alarmed as rise of diy beauty injectables leads to injuries (via rt.com)
亚马逊上在售的透明质酸注射笔 (图 via amazon.com)
阿里巴巴在售透明质酸注射套装 (图 via alibaba.com)
a 2018 study published in the journal plastic surgery surveying four online discussion forums found that diy-injectors understood the danger of self-injection and unregulated products. health risks were “not a deterrent.” 《整形外科》杂志2018年刊登了一项研究。该研究调查了四个在线论坛,发现diy注射者明白自我注射和不规范产品的危险之处,但健康风险“不是一种威慑”。diy-ers were motivated in part by affordability, and online advice and videos stoked their confidence. diy者的动力部分来自于他们的经济承受能力,在线咨询和视频增强了他们的信心。“individuals taught themselves to inject through watching youtube tutorials and downloading botox injection maps from the internet,” the study says.研究称:“人们通过观看油管上的教程和从网上下载肉毒杆菌注射点位图自学注射。”▲diy beauty injectables are fueling a ‘horrifying’ online black market (via nypost.com)
“the availability of these fillers online and on the black market has really started this very dangerous trend of people purchasing these products illegally and not knowing anything about them: whether they’re contaminated, what they’re made up of” dr azadeh sirazi, board-certified dermatologist, told rt.“这些填充物在网上和黑市上随处可得,已经造成了一种非常危险的趋势,人们非法购买这些产品,却对它们一无所知:它们是否被污染,由什么构成的,”具有执业资格的皮肤科医生azadeh sirazi告诉《今日俄罗斯》。diy videos with titles like “instant plastic surgery at home” can be easily found across youtube and other social media platforms despite efforts to remove this sort of content. 尽管油管和其他社交媒体平台都在努力删除这类内容,但像“在家做即时整容手术”这样的diy视频还是很容易在这些平台上找到。and people often use the products without knowing the right proportions or how they work, warned dr ben talei, a facial plastic surgeon, explaining the devastating effects that homemade chemical peels can have.面部整形外科医生本·塔雷在解释自制化学换肤剂可能带来的毁灭性影响时警告说,人们经常在不知道正确比例或如何使用的情况下使用这些产品。▲frightening and irresponsible: medics alarmed as rise of diy beauty injectables leads to injuries (via rt.com)
(图 via rt.com)
整合:du qiongfang



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